Marble, it’s beautiful…but is it worth it?

marb_web2.gif 2015-4-2-16_38_21This very question is one that designers, contractors, and homeowners mule over when deciding whether or not to use the timeless beauty that is marble. Marble has been used for centuries as the medium for many historically renowned art pieces. But does it translate as gracefully into ones home, seems to be the hot topic of debate. The answer to that varies from person to person. The decision to choose marble over other natural stones center’s around the individuals lifestyle rather than personal taste. For example as a homeowner you could love the idea of marble but end up resenting the upkeep that it requires. On the other hand you could enjoy the aging process that gives marble its distinguished character. In order to best inform you and answer all your must-know’s about marble I have broken a large quantity of information into a quick reference.
Being that price is almost always a deciding factor when it comes to design lets start there.

Cost: Marble is known as for its luxurious appeal. That being said marble is one of the most expensive natural stones used in kitchen and bathroom design.

Marble Countertops range from $125- $250 per square-foot
Wearability: The durability of marble depends on each individual’s lifestyle. There are protectant treatments that can be applied to the stone for the more on-the-go fast paced lifestyle consumer. One thing to keep in mind is that marble has been used for ages in grandiose locations, such as corporate buildings, that generate much more foot traffic and wear than a typical domestic kitchen or bathroom will ever see in its lifetime. Even so, it is still the first choice of many. What can be expected however are minor:
• Scratching – Marble can scratch easily, especially when touched for a long period of time by something acidic. A slice of lemon laid down on a polished countertop overnight can leave a mark in the shape of the lemon slice, duller than the surface around it.

• Staining – Marble can also stain; red wine and some fruits are infamous for leaving indelible stains on the marble.
Maintenance: When choosing a marble if maintenance is a concern for you consider polished vs. honed. A polished marble is a little more resistant to staining, whereas a honed surface is a bit more absorbent. Many people choose a polished marble countertop for that reason.

I hope this quick reference eases your fears and answers your burning questions about choosing marble for your home!

If you currently have marble or have an experience to share please comment and let us know if marble was the right choice for you!